enough of the shenanigans!
the girl next door |
scream out loud
let's trace back my steps
gone with the wind May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 |
bloghoppin' |
so long SUCKER!
31 December 2010
♡so it's the end of yet another year. ho hum.
here's hoping 2011 isn't a bitch like 2010 was. and that i'll be able to leave Singaligapooprah ASAP.
here's hoping 2011 isn't a bitch like 2010 was. and that i'll be able to leave Singaligapooprah ASAP.
that is all.
see ya'll next year.
keepin' it real.✌
keepin' it real.✌
30 December 2010
would it make a difference if I stayed forever?
26 December 2010
somehow.. this song still gets to me like it used to.
or maybe a wee little different.
my..aren't children growing up way to fast these days.
Merry☃Christmas you guys!
25 December 2010
i know this has nothing to do with Christmas.. i was just feeling pretty bummed that i don't have a special significant other to spend the happiest day of the year with.
i guess there's always next year ;]
here's hoping for a special Christmas for next year to me and every other person out there that's wishing for that special someone! wtheck here's wishing for next year's Christmas to have snow too! ;D
hohoho and a bottle of rum!
cheers you guys..
19 December 2010
thank you Lord JESUS for helping me do so much better than i expected! whoots! here's to actually get into a UNI. BOOKS here i come ;]haha this is entertaining..
15 December 2010
14 December 2010
POTC(s). my favorite movies ever.
coming out exactly 3 months after i turn the big 2-0 hah!
Love always has to be two sided.
06 December 2010

[[The problem with guys is they make you believe they love you when they don’t. The problem with girls is they make you believe they don’t love you when they do.The truth about girls; we act like we’re cold so you’ll hold us. Gossip isn’t a sin, it’s an art. The word “bitch” doesn’t mean much to us. When we say we’re fine, we’re usually not. Most of us fall in love way too easily. We’re never too old for sleepovers. All of us have a mean side, some of us just don’t show it. We’re confusing, and you’ll never have us completely figured out. Most of us like attention. We all like to hear we’re beautiful. No matter how many times we say we don’t care, we usually do. We’ll mess with your head. If we say that nothing’s wrong, something usually is. And just when you think you have us figured out, something will change and you’ll be all wrong.]]
“Maybe bad things happen because it’s the only way we can keep remembering what good is supposed to look like.” - Nineteen Minutes, Jodi Picoult.
I've been so frustrated; distracted; sad; miffed; anemic and just so out of it that i haven't eaten a single thing since Friday. Cause either I had no appetite or I was just feeling too nauseous that i puked out whatever little i managed to force myself to eat. I don't want this to be what happened the last time I'm just not strong enough and I know I just can't handle it anymore. There was this period of time i became so hard hearten i couldn't shed a tear but now i cry so easily again. I cried so much in church yesterday when God convicted me. He showed me how much of a jerk I've been. I was so woebegone yesterday and I was late because i met Elisha, RuiShan,Grace and Charmaine for another Christmas party meeting and worship had already started. As i started to get into the worship the Lord revealed to me that He was feeling the same way i was. So heavy hearted and sad because just like how a certain someone has been talking to me as and when he pleases is just like how I've been treating God. I go to Him only when I please or when it's convenient for me and then Sabrina said something that really made me break down even more..she said God told her, " I've been the faithful one in this relationship." and that is so true in my life as well. Jesus has been the faithful one and I've been neglecting my FirstLove and been seeking love in guys instead. And to know that Jesus feels the same way about me as i feel about that certain someone really made me feel so pathetic. I started to apologize profusely but I knew that wasn't enough. Just as that certain someone has hurt me I have hurt the Lord and what more because He first loved me and died for me. Jesus showed me how He has been waiting and hoping for me to set aside time to talk and fellowship with Him is just like how i always wait and hope for that certain one to give me some attention. And i just couldn't stop crying and saying sorry. I know i have to change and i know it will be hard to not seek for love in men but in God alone. But I also must remind myself to not stop loving just like last time because I won't be doing myself any favors. I just got to set my sights on the One above and trust that someday a decent guy will come along.
I've been so frustrated; distracted; sad; miffed; anemic and just so out of it that i haven't eaten a single thing since Friday. Cause either I had no appetite or I was just feeling too nauseous that i puked out whatever little i managed to force myself to eat. I don't want this to be what happened the last time I'm just not strong enough and I know I just can't handle it anymore. There was this period of time i became so hard hearten i couldn't shed a tear but now i cry so easily again. I cried so much in church yesterday when God convicted me. He showed me how much of a jerk I've been. I was so woebegone yesterday and I was late because i met Elisha, RuiShan,Grace and Charmaine for another Christmas party meeting and worship had already started. As i started to get into the worship the Lord revealed to me that He was feeling the same way i was. So heavy hearted and sad because just like how a certain someone has been talking to me as and when he pleases is just like how I've been treating God. I go to Him only when I please or when it's convenient for me and then Sabrina said something that really made me break down even more..she said God told her, " I've been the faithful one in this relationship." and that is so true in my life as well. Jesus has been the faithful one and I've been neglecting my FirstLove and been seeking love in guys instead. And to know that Jesus feels the same way about me as i feel about that certain someone really made me feel so pathetic. I started to apologize profusely but I knew that wasn't enough. Just as that certain someone has hurt me I have hurt the Lord and what more because He first loved me and died for me. Jesus showed me how He has been waiting and hoping for me to set aside time to talk and fellowship with Him is just like how i always wait and hope for that certain one to give me some attention. And i just couldn't stop crying and saying sorry. I know i have to change and i know it will be hard to not seek for love in men but in God alone. But I also must remind myself to not stop loving just like last time because I won't be doing myself any favors. I just got to set my sights on the One above and trust that someday a decent guy will come along.
ahh ahh a ra ah ah.
05 December 2010
what makes you tick?
04 December 2010
cars?? where we're going we don't need cars!
03 December 2010

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
- Mark Twain.
02 December 2010


see..i actually look happy.