enough of the shenanigans!
the girl next door |
scream out loud
let's trace back my steps
gone with the wind May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 |
bloghoppin' |
31 August 2009
yeahh sure your photos are so nice ... especially ones without your face! thats right i went there.
29 August 2009

must take basic theory first!! :p
well went to school at the normal time today because drama students had to come at the normal time but because the rest of year 11 and 12 weren't there and it just made it seem all the more early. ms.partington gave us english breakfast tea and tim tams! love her to bits :D
rehearsed our play for sooo long...
well this is the price you pay for being a drama student :] but see i enjoy it :p
anyways we hads carreers day today so like we went to the gym to visit the different university booths i went to like the american university, university of Queensland and lasselle colledge. i couldn't be bothered wasting my time at the rest! then the school was so nice to us :]
we got free YUMMALICIOUS breaky at the small gym like bagels fruits and muffins and COFFEE and etc ahhh :] yumm
and we got a talk while eating on how to have the right attitude towards life and how to study and such
then we got a free barbee lunch.. the ye old aussie hot doggies with them onions and barbee sauce :p oohhh
haha anyways then we went to the theater where we got another talk on our personalities and the potential personalities of people we're bound to meet out there in life.
so fun!
we were divided into personalities and we had to come up with our own version of cinderella.
of course the two creative groups out of the six came up with the wackiest ones :p it was awesome. i reakon lachy is just awesome, cause he represented our group and he rhymed the who of cinderella ON THE SPOT. he's just amazing haha
well went home after school then got ready to go out and meet merri at bedok
*she accompanied me for my basic theory test
[yes i'm learning driving] finally :x
*always amuses me because i make a joke out of her
*we're both whack and we do the weirdest things
*it's so much fun to frighten her because she gets the jitters at the stupidest things
*common isn't one of her senses
*some wire somewhere in both of our heads aren't connected that well so we're just plain messed up :D

[[although ah she was like constantly distracted by other peopleS :'( but ohhweellsshh]]
afterwards we went to mackers to eat supper. when we went to the bustop we met xiaoming and someone i cant remember her name. anyways it was interesting cause he took the same bus and we got to know each other i think he's nice :]
and no xiaoming your not an amateur beat boxer.. you're just not quite there yet:p just a little more :]
but stil.. I THINK you're great :]
26 August 2009

you know when you eat reese's sometimes the packaging will have saying like ''have a perfect day'' etc
the one that i like the most is
" this is not an empty package...it's just a reminder to get more''
it's sorta like the one that goes," don't look at the glass half empty but as half full"
what it came across to me as was
when you look at people don't judge and say a person has nothing to offer or is of no worth or will amount to nothing
why not think of the person as a late bloomer?
i mean i've known lots of people that were failers but became somebodies in the end.
i will worship the Lamb of Glory
23 August 2009
21 August 2009
why do i find myself agreeing with this? *sigh of confusion*Love can be a many splendored thing
Can't deny the joy it brings
A dozen roses, diamond rings
Dreams for sale and fairy tales
It'll make you hear a symphony
And you just want the world to see
But like a drug that makes you blind,
It'll fool you every time
Now I was once a fool, it's true
I played the game by all the rules
But now my world's a deeper blue
I'm sadder, but I'm wiser too
I swore I'd never love again
I swore my heart would never mend
Said love wasn't worth the pain
But then I hear it call my name
Every time I turn around
I think I've got it all figured out
My heart keeps callin' and I keep on fallin'
Over and over again
The sad story always ends the same
Me standin' in the pourin' rain
It seems no matter what I do
It tears my heart in two
The trouble with love
It can tear you up inside
Make your heart believe a lie
It's stronger than your pride
It's in your heart
It's in your soul
Can't deny the joy it brings
A dozen roses, diamond rings
Dreams for sale and fairy tales
It'll make you hear a symphony
And you just want the world to see
But like a drug that makes you blind,
It'll fool you every time
Now I was once a fool, it's true
I played the game by all the rules
But now my world's a deeper blue
I'm sadder, but I'm wiser too
I swore I'd never love again
I swore my heart would never mend
Said love wasn't worth the pain
But then I hear it call my name
Every time I turn around
I think I've got it all figured out
My heart keeps callin' and I keep on fallin'
Over and over again
The sad story always ends the same
Me standin' in the pourin' rain
It seems no matter what I do
It tears my heart in two
The trouble with love
It can tear you up inside
Make your heart believe a lie
It's stronger than your pride
It's in your heart
It's in your soul
doesn't care how fast you fall
You won't get no control
and you can't refuse the call
See, you got no say at all
You won't get no control
and you can't refuse the call
See, you got no say at all
love game intuition play the cards with spades to start.
trouble is. love ain't a game. well maybe to some.. and was.. to me but i guess i've grown up?
love isn't something i take lightly anymore. I'm like so scared to like a guy now.
1.I'm scared it's just infatuation
2.I'm scared of getting hurt all over again
i guess i don't know how to love anymore or i don't know if it's love i feel?
cause those who are close to me should know there's
this guy who's been in my heart for like 6 years?
long eh? i don't know if it started out as infatuation but if it was it couldn't have possibly lasted that long right. and now i THINK i like someone BUT I'm not sure about that either cause the guy whom I've liked for 6 years is still there in my heart no matter how i TRY to 'get rid' of him.
wouldn't it be nice if life came with a GPS system, then worrying about tomorrow wouldn't be necessary.
An ex-cell leader once mentioned that we shouldn't be worried about finding our right one but rather preparing ourselves to BE that right one.
Lord keep me pure and prepare me.
20 August 2009
i know this is late but i still wanna post it.
it's this years national day theme song and i think it's the best yet :]
with my hands lifted high to the sky and the world wonders why
i'll just tell them i'm loving my King.
By God's grace the speech went awesomely well. i dont care about the few douche bags who gave negative comments. cause i know i did like a gazillion times better than i ever did. and i immensly thank the people who gave positive compliments especially my english advanced teacher :) and josh. one guy was just a know-it-all jerk but i couldn't be screwed!
oh oh and my cell leader kenneth, remembered as well. he was the only one who texted me to ask me how it went haha. And my dear sherni was just too busy but she didn't forget so that's ok =]
i love the speech i wrote..i absolutely do. because i know God was by my side helping me craft it out.
went for concordis. then home. then beach for dinner.
overall i reckon i had a good day.
19 August 2009
it's here! it's here!

In 15 hrs and a half i will have to deliver my captaincy speech!
For those who don't know i'm running for international or creative arts captain in my school in the hope to attain either roles.
i felt that before i left for uni i had better have an important role in school plus with the role would come great responsibility and therefore the driving force to do well in my upcoming HSC :]
anywho.. I really am praying hard i get a role. and thanks to those who were praying for me=]
now i leave it up to God.
and darn those butterflies! they better not be in my tummy tmr :p
14 August 2009
We're probably naive and stupid to think, 'yes we can change the world,' but I think that there's this little flag flying inside all of us, that maybe we can change something, or hope that we can. -Megan Cullen
12 August 2009
you know what i realized my dear ''friend''i was just thinking back.. thinking back at all the events that happened.
i realized i really mean nothing to you. or at least i don't mean much to you.
call me sensitive.
or that i have high expectations of you that are slightly impossible to achieve
im not dumb.. i can see
maybe i am really not worth that much to you
or maybe you think it's cool to always treat me like a tissue paper.
take me out when you need me but when you have a long line of toilet roll you just chuck me aside.
it fcking hurts to be treated like this ah.
think whether you really want me there. think if 'best friends' is what we really are or issit just a status
when i think of you what we've gone through and all
i really always just
wished for you to show me appreciation
wished when we go out, sometimes i could choose what to do without you showing a blackface
wished that our actions would show that we were bestfriends and not just by saying that we were.
wished that i could talk to you whenever and wherever without a tinge of superficiality in your voice or weirdness in your eyes.
wished that you could just be that person i had when we were little. before the boys before the other people you wanted to replace me with.
i guess the idea of what my best-friend would be like would be stuck in the movie screens.
the girl who'd always be there
the girl who'd always know what to do and what to say even if it meant going out of the way or hurting me with reality
the girl who'd drop everything or other people just so she could be with me even if it meant a few minutes
the girl who'd be right there when i was at the brink of emotions and didn't have anywhere else to turn to
really thats all i expect not some big wish that you could never fulfill.
singapore gahmen edu stinks!
10 August 2009
singapore gahmen edu stinks!i really wanna leave.
leave all this mess.
all im afraid of is if wherever i go there might be a new mess
i don't know maybe if i leave i'd be able to start afresh completely not knowing anyone at all.
like i thought i could start afresh in an international school. it was great at first but..see.. the school is still in singapore. some people are the same especially the ones who are singaporean as in schooled and brought up here. like they're so urghhh
i need a break from this asian culture altogether. or at least singaporean culture.
don't get me wrong im not country-ist. i've lived here long enough to pass off as a singaporean.
i love this country, but that;s all i just love the country. probably just for the peace and stability and freedom it has to offer. nothing more.
living here is suffocating because of having to be sucked into the whirlwind of high education. nothing else matters here in singapore. nothing else can.
i'm fed up of having to live for education.
you know why.
it is because of education im not very qualified in other areas. because i dont do amazingly well at the age of 18 im treated like an 8 year old who has to be locked up at home with rare glimpses of the outside world.
because of that :
-i cant secretly get a job [just because i wanna know how earning my own bucks feel]
-i couldnt have a boyfriend
-i cant learn anything other that the violin [note from older post mum stop my tennis lessons :x]
-i cant find my way around singapore without getting lost
i just hate not having freedom because of education.
i wanna leave! i wanna go where education isnt everything.
you know.
of course i want to graduate. of course i want to land a high paying job.
just not yet?
i like the idea of being free at this age to explore the world outside my four walls.
and then settling down to finish off my education
i guess that'll be a far fetched dream considering my singapore-education-is-everything mindsetted asian parents think otherwise.
pffttt FML!!!
frippin cool!!!
08 August 2009
these people are like so awesome seeing as they're prison inmates.
yay! them :]
03 August 2009
Life has been VORING!= VERY boring
so like i waste time on FACEBOOK
i really think facebook is all a scam to subtly make people waste time.
oh wellsshh im in legal studies now. teacher told me to at least pretend to do work cause he caught me using google. I was trying to find my blog so i typed prestigious but like he came and you know how like the options will drop down and the first one on the list was 'prestigious textiles' and he like annouced it to the class. I mean i think i was the one doing the most productive thing??? hahahah lawls the rest are like playing games or yakking away :p
secular music fast
02 August 2009
CELL on sat.KENNETH spoke
GUILTY conscience
he basically talked about how the opposite of Godliness is worldliness.
we had to make this list at the end of the sharing on like what we can promise God we wont do or at least promise not to do. wwell i did write down the list.
the first half of my list im pretty sure i won't fail but the second half im not so sure.
well i'll just start with the secular music, since it's something i find hard letting go of.
next is guys i guess.
well whatever it is, kenneth really made me think about my life and how rotten i've made it by filling it with rubbish to fill the huge void which just gets bigger everyday.
Lord give me the strength cause i know without You i will fail.