enough of the shenanigans!
the girl next door |
scream out loud
let's trace back my steps
gone with the wind May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 |
bloghoppin' |
28 June 2009

this is awesome haha!
Balik Kampong!
Whao I havent been back home in such a long time. Ok. . .erm 6 mths? Always feels so good. The air has like less tension than here. Seeing friends and family..it's just so awesome. Haha. This time round the timing was so good i even got to see my childhood bestfriend. My she reminds me of Sherni. I think it's cause she's indian, she's thin and the way she talks haha. Oh wellsh. OH oh oh.. my cousin right. HAS A STASH. like i still remember vividly how he used to suck his fingers like anything. So grown.. Looks like my dad actually when he was in his teens. Erm parents thinking of adding another level to our house so it can be a chic holiday home. :p Butbut they also wanna extend the hall which means it's byebye to my room! hmpf :x OHOH my mum was in the kitchen when she heard thumping noises then she screamed like anything. . it was a fluffy cute squirrel! haha see the benefits of living in a landed property! NATURE =] but noooo the houses in singapore have to be so expensive that most of everybody has to live in these stacked up cages called HDB flats :x where the neighbors find it such a difficulty just to say 'hi', much less help you raise you kids like my neighbors do in malaysia. Guess the relationships between people is substituted by safety and cleanliness. Oh and another thing. . the shopping there is like way better! and the food! myyy. . .i can't wait till next hols. Or another blessing would be if my whole family could just migrate to America or something. I need change! oh wellsh reached spore at like 3 plus this morn then did homework till like 5 plus. So darn tired. I wanted to check out the City Church today but i woke up at like 9 30 and the service started at like 10.00 so i'll check it next week haha.
cherio. .
off to do more homework. oh the JOY!
19 June 2009
selective hearing.i think i have a serious case of selective hearing. i hear the weirdest things people say whether they say it with or without intention. the funny thing is i am the only one who hears it. oh wellsh im special :p
today was a weird day in school. for various reasons mainly being the weird shift in timing for classes. and yeah had to bring home ALL my artworks and crafts. So frippping heavy! Thank God my dad fetched me to the MRT and took all my books and art stuff home. My dad dropped me at Kembangan and i was supposed to meet Merri at like Orchard =.= see how that all works out? Anyways i was so busy with my Ipod and went all the way to Newton when i wanted to stop at Somerset thats like two stops off. And yet still no news from good 'ol Merri. So i went to the Heeren and walked up and down and all around like some bo liao tourist. Finally met her. Walked to Taka to grab some grub at the underground food place. Got Korean yummalicious street food! :p Then we walked to cotton on cause she needed to change pants. Went window shopping. Walked to Far East. I got this super cute skirt! =] My mum was like, " it's pretty but isn't it abit too long?" Sarcastic much! Wha there were like so many tattoo parlors there and we were like shall we get a tattoo?! But like the sound of the tattoo guns and the sight of someone getting a tattoo was enough to send us power walking. Plus there was this tattoo parlor which had a jar of like chopped up bits of some body part or something. *shudders*
Went off to the MRT but diverted to Cine to take Neoprints.
Then went to meet Sherni cause she was feeling down. I walked from my house to Flamingo Valley. Oh! my achy breaky feet :x As i was walking the bus i was waiting for drove past! Oh i just wanted to bless the but with turtles and tic tac toes! [expletives] Met Sherni, went to KFC but i was too tired to eat. Went to Mackers and got ice cream and we walked to my house from Siglap. Reached home at 1030 all out of it!
Yup that was my long tiring yet fun day =.=
oh i shall try to upload pics for this post.
18 June 2009
the trouble with love is. it's:
beyond your control
emphasis on
unnoe having to see you everyday, in the halls, in the classroom, in the canteen. . .
that's all
perpetually visual.
tears well up in my eyes having to see you everyday but sucks having to have things be so weird between us :x
maybe i shouldn't have done what i did.
maybe things would be different.
not a day goes by without me thinking of you and thinking 'what if i dint do that? maybe just maybe it would've been better?"
but it's too late now.
it's been 5 months now. and it's just got worse.
there's a saying. --> tears are words the heart can't say.
maybe that's why i cry constantly?
maybe that's why when i think of talking it out, it's tears that roll out instead of words.
maybe. . .
that's why i love you.
17 June 2009
16 June 2009
seconds, hours, so many days
you know what you want but how long can you wait
every moment lasts forever
when you feel you've lost your way
and what if my chances were already gone
i started believing that i could be wrong
but you gave me one good reason
to fight and never walk away
so here i am still holding on
with every step you climb another mountain
every breath its harder to believe
you'll make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
to get to that one place
when you think the road is going no where
just when you almost gave up on your dreams
they take you by the hand
and show you that you can
there are no boundaries
i fought to the limit to stand on the edge
what if today is as good as it gets
don't know where the futures heading
but nothings gonna bring me down
jumped every bridge
run every line
i risk being safe
i always knew why, i always knew why
so here i am still holding on
you can go higher
you can go deeper
there are no boundaries
above and beneath you
break every rule 'cause there's nothing between you and your dreams
15 June 2009
cobwebs starting to invade! haha.. it's been ages since i last blogged. thinking of blogging regularly again but this whole year I've been so darn bussaay! :p like seriously i hardly have any me time anymore much less time for others. I spend so much time in school, for school or something to do with school. Seriously, it's rather dodgy. So much drama in my life which either has to do with me or people around me. Holidays in a weeks time but i doubt it really will be cause there's this big English assignment due first day back after the hols. Screw the person who sets the curriculum for Advanced English. So frippin hard! And like after a month when
hols are over yearly exams show up. Then Year 12 Term 1 starts! Tell me. . .where exactly is my break?
It's like 2 days to IFF. and for those who don't know it's like international friendship day 'cept this one's called International Food Festival. I'm performing for India. WHOOTS! GO INDIA!! :p Yeah so after school i was traumatizing myself in little India and finally reached home at like 8. Bought a $37 lengha! yay for Charlie, Eliza, Pamela and I. We walked for hours just to find a shop that sold lenghas and the tunic thing for the guys. For you uncultured people out there. . .this is a lengha.

Not the same color though this one is amazing i got the cheap one but it'll do haha. oh wellsh.
and like the people at the shop were like so frippin agro! and they were talking bad about us in our faces! it's tamil but body lang is universal ok you low life creatures!!! haha
sorry i just get pissed when shop keepers don't adhere to customer rights and pleasing them at all costs. haha :p
Besides that. I have like two assignments due this Friday. And i have a full rehearsal for IFF tomorrow. I'm just so out of it! I think I'll be needing like i have no idea what to replenish my serious loss of adrenaline by mid-week.
Oh and like on sunday i met my new cell for the first time. Two words. '' complete.jokers!" seriously. They're just so cute haha. And seriously childhood deprived but oh well. They crap like free flow. At least i know Elisha and Suffian and Natalie and like a few other people from the zone. And F.Y.I Natalie is like THE female version of Jun Jie ok!
ahhh. . back to writing my ASSay. Which is, not to mention, 1200 words long? arghh!
nite people! time to embrace the torture.
WHOOPEE! :p not!