enough of the shenanigans!
the girl next door |
scream out loud
let's trace back my steps
gone with the wind May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 |
bloghoppin' |
Kan Chiong Spider
21 October 2008
seriously never felt this anxious before an exam.man i was seriously freakin out.
i kept repeating..
"o'levels..oh no it's..it's o'levels.. as in o'level English eh! what if i don't get my A1?!?"
haha .. really, Sherni, i thank you immensely for being by my side calming me down the whole time while you could.
Wrote a compo titled, " The delights and frustrations of being a teenager."
Today's compre passages were all about CATS.why in heavens? i don't know.haha. the paucity of my vocabulary seriously irritates me.
I seriously cannot afford the downward spiral of the standard of my English.
Anyways yup, the papers finished at 640PM! I thought it was neat that a paper ended so late. haha
oh wells nites.
20 October 2008
Since a picture speakes a thousand words, I shall put up the pics. haha this was my two day trip to JB. 

Went to Pulai Springs in JB. Ate at this real cheenafied posh restaurant where the prices are extravagant. Monkeyed around the room. Played Bluff, Smack Jack and Twister.Ate. SWAM! haha and yeah ate.. And crapped. Fun luh. My granny HARDCORE ROCKER kay. Don't mess with her! hahaha.
19 October 2008

15 October 2008
13 October 2008
I can't stand you
Must everything you do make me wanna smile
Can I not like you for awhile?
But you won't let me
You upset me
And then you smile
All of a sudden I forget that I was upset
Can't remember what you did
But I hate it...
You know exactly what to do
So that I can't stay mad at you
For too long that's wrong
You know exactly what to say
So that I don't want to fuss.. and fight no more
Said I despise that I adore you
I can't stand how much I need you
And I hate how much I love you
But I just can't let you go
And I hate that I love you so
You completely know the power that you have
The only one makes me laugh
Said it's not fair
How you take advantage of the fact
That I... love you beyond the reason why
And it just ain't right
One of these days maybe your magic won't affect me
And your smile won't make me weak
But no one in this world knows me the way you know me
So you'll probably always have a spell on me...
***edited 30102008***
lovin' the fact i dont love you no more!!!
12 October 2008
After first went to Parkway with Sherni and Jia Ying. Bought my super cool ultra pink nail polish. Then went to BK to lunch. After that went to Diva, got a pair of really girlypretty earrings and a best friend chain. Yup then Nico came and then we all walked back to church. Didn't go for third today, went home to mug for math. THANKS Sherly for helping me=] Then my parents and I went to Planet Fitness to work out. Had a sweat of a time! Lost manymany calories. Super happy. Haven't been to the gym in the longest time haha. Met two of my parents friends and ate dinner at Miki's. Yup that's it.. dint pick ur call or reply sms is because i learnt it from you.and i'm darn sick and tired of you choosing when you want to reply and like i don't hear from you other times. i can't take being treated like an entertainment or whatever i am you. so yeah..
11 October 2008
Woke up got ready went for math tuition. After that went to pop to buy TYS'. Thanks for following me=] After that met mummy then went over to parkway to meet papa. He was at Planet Fitness. wait.. er hem.. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ok, anyways. Yeah the gym is full of hot MEN. haha after that we went grocery shopping at Giant. Met Merri and her cell at the foodcourt. Merri and i went to buy BBTea then went back to the foodcourt. I find Melvin amusing, maybe because he looks like Wilber Pan. But anywho, went back up to Giant to find my parents. Went to Harvey Norman then lunched at some Indonesian restaurant. Back home we went. Priya and Joycelyn came at like 445? yeah then they ate. Hui Shuang came a little later. Joker man she, when she arrived she called me to ask, ''eh Amanda your house got two lift take which one?'' I was like, ''take the one on the right, the one on the left brings you to the future!" hahaha then when she went in she was like, "can you here me? eh why your life so dark ah?'' then i said, " wait next time i fix disco lights inside for you." Then Hui Shuang started her 'i hate Kenneth' stories. Kenneth is her sis' boyfriend. Yeah then Hafi called to say she was downstairs and Priya was like, "You come to the fourth floor then you look into the houses, see the one i sitting at the door that one her house." And cheeky me just had to get her to literally sit at my doorstep=] And she did! Bless her soul. Anyways, Hui Shuang used lotsa bombastic words we never knew she knew haha. And there was this part where we stared at Priya and she was like, "dont stare at me luh i dont like people to look at me when i'm doing work". Then Hui Shuang said, " eh like quite fun ah i oso try". And i said, " ok ah ". Then i covered my book, but like a few seconds later i lifted my head and said, "cannot luh i study like this my plant cannot photosynthesize!" everyone laughed for a good 3 mins. I said that cause i was doing my bio tys and it had a picture of a plant on it. =p Yeah so we crapped the whole time..WHILE MUGGING if i may add. Oh yeah and there was this thing where dresses up as guys and as gurly girls and Joycelyn had to choose a boyfriend then a girlfriend. That was whack i tell you. After we packed up we played the guitar then cards. Fun day=] haha

I'm in need of a mugging hiatus PRONTO!
when i read this i went.. WHAO!
[A girl and a guy were speeding over 100 mph on a motorcycle]Girl: Slow down, I'm scared!
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No it's not, please, it's too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine! I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
(Girl hugs him.)
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on? It's bugging me.
In the paper the next day:
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure.
Two people were on a motorcycle, but only one survived. The truth was that half-way down the road, the guy realized that his breaks broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him, felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so she would live even though it meant he would die.
10 October 2008
Today at school there were alot of 'last-times'. It was rather saddening. Last time of
-normal lessons
-usual recess
-having fun with the teachers
-going late for lessons we dreaded
-singing the national anthem and taking the pledge during morning assembly
-going home with my friends after sch
*especially naru, MISSYOU GIRL!!!
-vain-potting in the loo
-re-filling water at the water-cooler
-playing at the field
-getting my skirt lifted
-being called casper
-being bullied for no reason
-playing bluff and power up
-going to the bookshop
gosh the list could just go on indefinitely and i'd just cry so i shall stop.
So yeah had some assembly where we filled up forms to become alumni. I feel so old. heh. Anyway they talktalkedtalked. Then various representatives of the different faiths came forward to pray. To show diversity and blahdeblah. Ok then after all that they gave out apples and pencils. Super nice man the pencils. Then recess then yeah the boring day just got boring-er. After school went home, slept for an hour and woke up with a splitting headache. Did accounts then mummy gave me this long, useful, if i may add, talk. Went for accounts tuition and met Priya, Sarafina, Hui Shuang and Joycelyn after that to study. Reached home at 11:07pm. FELT SUPER BAD. Was 7mins late. Gosh.
yup that was my day.
nites people!
crazy phone calls with the gf!
09 October 2008
On the phone with Merri
Mandy : Ayaiyai I'm a little butterfly.
*Far Away - Nickelback plays in the background*
Merri : EH! I like that song!Mandy : What song? The Ayaiyai, I'm a little Butterfly song?
Merri : No luhhhh! The far away.
Mandy : By who?
Merri : Nickelback.
Mandy : Huh? chikopek?
*I start singing*
♪Why you so far awayI cannot touch you like thatWhy you so far awayI cannot see you properlyWhy you so far awayCome near near then i happy woo woooo~~
merri claims I'm. . .
08 October 2008
✪twinkles. says:
THE laggy-est person to talk to on msn
then there was this mouse who wore the glass slipper? i think. wth
Hola people, after school went to Downtown with Priya and Joycelyn. Makan-ed at SUBWAY. ->Sidenote. Thank God for the person who created Subway!! yay that person!! =]
Anyways Merri came, after bout 10 mins we left Subway. Merri and I went to EHub. Got our tickets to 'House Bunny' then i brought her to the shop where the sell the wacky stuff. After hanging awhile we went to the loo then queued to get the pops and soda. My phone suddenly lost reception so i raised my phone to get reception then when i tried behind me i nearly hit the guy behind it. So red-face moment! Gosh. Anyways today was my turn to say," can we have the lovers combo." Coz apparently the last time was Merri haha. And when i said it i couldn't stop giggling.
"Bodaciously has gone where no bunny has gone before. Colledge"

-----watched the movie-----
Went home.
The movie is like the funniest movie of the year. It was crude and obscene at certain parts, yes, but i really learnt a very important something from it. To NEVER judge someone be it by their appearance or by what they do. You either risk a great friendship or you bottle up great potential.
Cell Phone Vs Bible
07 October 2008
Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat
our cell phone?
What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?
What if we flipped through it several time a day?
What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?
What if we used it to receive messages from the text?
What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?
What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?
What if we used it when we traveled?
What if we used it in case of emergency?
This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?
Oh, and one more thing.
Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being
disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.
Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!
Place your mouse on the E below and drag to the U.
Even though you can't see Him, GOD is there for yo U
a tribute to the old days. .
05 October 2008

guess we all have an inner hippie!
you can jive!
04 October 2008
Went to school thinking my whole clique wouldn't be there. Guess what the snazzy babes were all there! Steady man! haha School was rather draggy today after recess, cause before recess we were planning were to go out at night. Sarafina and i were like, "eh we go hotel ah?" i said, "ok" then she said, "ask Priya eh." Goofy me turned and said, "eh priya. sara she never answer me. " I was wondering why Joycelyn was looking at me with a weird stare, then it dawned on my priya wasn't there. Major-ha-able okay =p ok never mind. Our hotel room cool right, got one major large flat screen tv and many comfy chairs haha.Then yeah lemme show you what school does to me..Example #1.
During accounts my teacher said, " Okay class, so you debit unpaid rent ah."
i heard it as,
"Okay class, so you debit ARMPIT rent ah."
Exampe #2.
During bio my teacher said, "I'll call out an index number then that person will answer."
i had this super strong feeling it somehow was gonna be me..
guess what..
"index number 2 please."
i was like, "WALAO"
the whole class laughed.
my friend said, " Miss. Raju that one ah her answer, walao. You write down."
Okies anyhow, we went to Downtown after school. Was supposed to satisfy the suppressed craving for Subway, right Merri. haha But Joycelyn, Priya and I got distracted my the God-sent cuisine the Japanese created. The ONE the ONLY....SUSHI! haha So yup, but we had to wait till 3pm 'cause that's when the student buffet started. I needed to pee so we headed to the loo, but i was like, " eh walk slowy eh, we got 45 mins!" Priya, "so you think we ah pek ah mah issit?! take 45 mins to walk to the toilet!" haha. After that we went to walk around then we went to this shop where they sold the whackiest stuff! I got this..
i just need a mug-shot of myself to complete it!
and i also got a badge which says, " May your life be long and useful like toilet paper."
okies so yeah went to 'Hei Sushi' at 2.45. And chiong-ed from 3. I went to the toilet to zha so i could have space for dessert heehee =p Reeached home at 5. Had cheena tution then did some stuff round the house got ready then met Sarafina, Priya and HuiShuang at Century Square. Got tickets for 'House Bunny' then went for dinner. After buying pop-corn and stuff we were gonna go in. The uncle said, "Sorry the movie is cancelled, we'll give you a refund and you guys can watch something else." I really thought he was joking. But it turned out to be true. So we got tickets to 'MamaMia' complimentary! So cool right. The movie is so frippin FUNNY. I laughed so much my tummy hurt. It was mainly funny because so many parts were retarded. The songs got stuck in our heads after that, it was so funny, we sang 'Dancing Queen' and 'MamaMia' super loud and out of tune. Plus there were echos cause Century Square was already closed. haha
Go watch!
ring ring.. yellow?
hey erm.. thanks so much for calling even-though it was for bout 20 mins it meant a lot. Sorry if it was like we had nothing to talk about, it's just that it's been 8 days since we talked and a really long time since we had a proper talk. But it really made me super happy. Wish it had lasted longer though. But hey even that was good enough, better than nothing =p Cheers dey!
02 October 2008

example of a conversation with the ever 'adorable' zhihao. HA HA HA
01 October 2008
aMANduhPeter says:heard u scared the bangla rape u
aMANduhPeter says:
aMANduhPeter says:
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
aMANduhPeter says:
u not that sexy ah
aMANduhPeter says:
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
aMANduhPeter says:
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
shld i go
aMANduhPeter says:
aMANduhPeter says:
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
aMANduhPeter says:
u need slim sexy mama drop jaw figure
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
LOL y?
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
aMANduhPeter says:
so nxt time the bangla WILL rape u
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
mei u got some mental probs
aMANduhPeter says:
haha now den u know ar?>
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
but my figure alr so nice liao
ZH--gonna shine His light =] study study study study says:
eat mre den grow mre muscle so mre girls will like me ma
aMANduhPeter says:
aMANduhPeter says:
aMANduhPeter says:
no comments
this what happens at 2 PLUS IN THE MORN.DANG!
I now present to you Mr.&Mrs. Andrew Yeo.
Okay I really never thought this day would come. Seriously haha. Not that no one would marry him but that i just couldn't imagine him with a person of the other species haha. Anways woke up went to bath, do my hair. Bused to church. My eye hurt. Met Jia Ying, Yao Ming Aloy and Dillion at the lan shop. Short while after that Miho came. Bought bubble tea, went to the toilet bout 4 times. My eye hurt. Terry came then awhile later MummyGus came. After bout 10 mins after Vivien came we headed to church. Lingered downstairs awhile then went to the auditorium. THe wedding was supremely funny! Not only was it because Andrew was a natural joker, he messed up the vow haha. And plus other stuff that were just fully because they were at that point. And when the bride gave the speech i was like crying, so touching. After the wedding we waited to take the pics. Hey you glad i moved out of the way? haha We were like one of the last to take the pictures so by the we went down the food was no more. So we lunched at Hua Li Xuan. After that i went home. Mugged then got ready for the dinner. Waited for my dad, we were late. Thank God people were late too haha. So yup the dinner was major yum. Yalked like crazy with Miho. Thanks Aunty MeiLing for swapping seats with me! haha And thanks **** for trying to cheer me up with all those smses. =] You're a real good friend. Sorry i kept replying late, i thought it was rude to msg at the weddind dinner table, so yeah. Left Tung Lok at like 1045pm. Overwhelmed with lethargy.
G'nite Everybody!