enough of the shenanigans!
the girl next door |
scream out loud
let's trace back my steps
gone with the wind May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 |
bloghoppin' |
30 September 2008
Drats. I got lost in Orchard. No.1 thing on my list of to-dos after O's is to explore the world outside the east end of the red dot. Seriously. Busses scraped past me while i was trying to walk as fast as possible so i wouldn't meet my demise. Anyhow, finally made it across from Tangs to Ngee Ann side haha. Saw some gorgeous models. Male ones if i may add. Then went to foodcourt at Wisma to makan. Tafferine, Miho and I. Did Gabriella's birthday card then went to Far East. Aftr that met AngMoh and YaoMing. OHOHOH when we were going dow the escalator to take the MRT right Tafferine said the darnest thing, ''eh the bus arrive already not?" Miho and i laughed our heads of. The poor girl did try to save her ass but haha we were too mean. So we MRT-ed. I went home and so did Tafferine. Miho, AngMoh and YaoMing went to meet Vivien at TM. The rest of my day was just too boring to blog so i'll just save you guys the misery.*Impt! I spent a grand total of. . . . (den den den den)
dramatic pause......
Amazing right?! haha
alrighties. nights ya'll
by the way i haven't been cold to you.sorry if it seems that way. i just dunno how to react to you anymore. really am sorry.
to zhi hao
28 September 2008
SORRY jie..needed blog therapy.
because of u i avoid...
-Giraffes-Ba Chor Mee
-Mc Donalds
-Plaza Singapura
-Botak Jones
-'Tongue Tied'
-'If I Kissed You'
-Chocolate Milk
-Grilled Fish
-Hello Panda
-Dora the Explorer
-Blues Clues
-Ang Mo Kio
-the word 'hug'
-the phrase 'please pretty please'
-the word 'idiot'
-Victoria Theatre
-East Point
-Pasir Ris Beach
-Chomp Chomp
-Converse Shoes
but most of all...
the words
i love you
the very words i want crossed out of my life
because of
the NUMBER 1 thing
i want OUT of my life.
nah merri.. the definition! as u predicted.
6 dictionary results for: psychedelic
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This
[sahy-ki-del-ik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

1. | of or noting a mental state characterized by a profound sense of intensified sensory perception, sometimes accompanied by severe perceptual distortion and hallucinations and by extreme feelings of either euphoria or despair. |
2. | of, pertaining to, or noting any of various drugs producing this state, as LSD, mescaline, or psilocybin. |
3. | resembling, characteristic of, or reproducing images, sounds, or the like, experienced while in such a state:psychedelic painting. |
4. | a psychedelic drug. |
5. | a person who uses such a substance. or in the 'Little Oxford Dictionary Thesaurus & Wordpower Guide' Pyschedelic adj. 1-producing hallucinations 2-having vivid colours or abstract patterns. |
27 September 2008
I need YOU more than words can sayMore and more each day
Jesus I love YOU
I need YOU more than life itself
Jesus i will worship YOU forever more
am i what u call 'obsolete'?
26 September 2008
there's so much i'd like to say. surging thoughts that cannot be typed. i look at the screen but my mind is blank.many things are going through my mind. some make sense, some don't. some are important some are just thoughts. but all that causes a whirlwind in this head of mine which seriously needs to settle down.
O'Levels are in 21 days!
oh gosh.
a new phase of my life will begin after Nov the 5th.
am i ready?
most definitely NOT.
barely even done sorting the current one i'm going through.
Jesus this is really a good time to show up.i'm desperately in need of You.
seriously i think that i've given up on myself.
i have no drive.
no inspiration.
no zeal left in me to go on fighting.
one set back after another has left me exasperated.
i need
love? that lasts. not teenage crap puppy love.
honestly.i don't know what's going on anymore.
goals? or just other ways of a holistic approach to life?
23 September 2008
I think that from now on i shall be a very honest, down to earth non-guy-liking, mellow person.Achievable?
Only time will tell.
I've Finally Graduated!
21 September 2008

it was a whack
Ok woke up at 7 to wake Merri up then went back to sleep after that got a call from Jia Ying cause she wanted to meet to go. Long story short, Merri Jia Ying and I had to cab to ECB cause we were darn late. Went there for Dillion's and Agus' baptism. oh yah CONGRATS. All the old men in you guys have died yea! so grow to be more like the baptism names you guys got =] Anyhow, back to my day, Gabriella's mum was kind enough to drive me out of ECB, which then later i realized was dumb because if I had just cabbed from ECB it would've been cheaper and faster! oh wells.. Anyways went to meet Priya at Pasir Ris Inter. Met Amelia. Waited for Hafi then we went to Priya's house. Prim was already there so she did my make up first. I looked eeeevvviiilll! because of my eyes. muahahah. but nice. chey. =p haha yup when we were all finally ready it was like 2 plus? steady right! We were supposed to be there at 1.30. so busted! Fashionably late? Is that a good alibi? haha. So yup we went to collect or graduation gowns. Well i guess they weren't all that bad. Some teach made a comment bout us looking like lawyers and our principal was like that's a good thing they should aspire to be. *raises one eyebrow.* hmmm.. mere coincidence? or utter confirmation? So then we had to line up in the festival court which was fully air-condition. .. my foot!! It was scorching hot! The heat was penetrating through everything and destroying our hair and make-up. Finally at 3.15-ish we entered the hall. Guess what they were playing, the graduation song. Well that was a no-brainer huh. Such an emo song to play on an occasion as such. >>>side note. i dint shed a tear today! clap people?! Back to it, then yeah, the programmes went on. There was a speech by an alumni who's runs an architecture firm. sweet eh? Then the certificates were given out together with the teddys. By the way the front of their tee-shirt says, 'Canossian & Proud of it!' and behind it says, 'Class of 2008'. So after everything we waited to take our class photos and by the time we were done it was like 7 plus? Then we adjourned downstairs for the reception. Not bad, at least the food was edible. Then went back to Priya's house to get my bag and change. Reached home at 9, so busted haha. Love my make-up. Shall be super thick skin! i looked pretty. Slammin' pretty! hahaha
More pics are akan datang(on the way).
***impt! my dress was purple and white.not black?! like next thing you hear, Singapore has four seasons.hahaha
stained glass masquerade-this really speaks my heart.
17 September 2008
Is there anyone that fails
Is there anyone that falls
Am I the only one in church today feelin’ so small
Cause when I take a look around
Everybody seems so strong
I know they’ll soon discover
That I don’t belong
So I tuck it all away, like everything’s okay
If I make them all believe it, maybe I’ll believe it too
So with a painted grin, I play the part again
So everyone will see me the way that I see them
Are we happy plastic people
Under shiny plastic steeples
With walls around our weakness
And smiles to hide our pain
But if the invitation’s open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade
Is there anyone who’s been there
Are there any hands to raise
Am I the only one who’s traded
In the altar for a stage
The performance is convincing
And we know every line by heart
Only when no one is watching
Can we really fall apart
But would it set me free
If I dared to let you see
The truth behind the person
That you imagine me to be
Would your arms be open
Or would you walk away
Would the love of Jesus
Be enough to make you stay
Well if the invitation’s open
To every heart that has been broken
Maybe then we close the curtain
On our stained glass masquerade
there's no good in depending on people.seriously.
09 September 2008
realized the fairy tale life wasn't for me.i don't wanna be like cinderella. sitting in a dark cold dusty cellar.
waiting for somebody, to come and set me free.
i wanna slay my own dragon.
dream my own dreams.
i wanna be able to rescue myself.
02 September 2008
If I kissed you
Would fireworks fly
Woud angels sing with lollipops
Would dinosaurs cry
Would babies all gurgle in laughter and surprise
If I kissed you.
If I kissed you
What would Michaelangelo say
Would he still have sculpted David
Would we be immortalized in clay
Would the poets write of love like ours
Would John Donne have his say
If I kissed you
You could be one in a million
You could be the one for me
But l guess I'll never know if I never try
I guess I'll just have to grab you in my arms and kiss you.
If I kissed you
Would you lose track of time
Would you feel a surge of happiness
Running up your spine
Would you run naked in the street
with a tattoo of my name on your behind
If I kissed you
Would fireworks fly
Woud angels sing with lollipops
Would dinosaurs cry
Would babies all gurgle in laughter and surprise
If I kissed you.
If I kissed you
What would Michaelangelo say
Would he still have sculpted David
Would we be immortalized in clay
Would the poets write of love like ours
Would John Donne have his say
If I kissed you
You could be one in a million
You could be the one for me
But l guess I'll never know if I never try
I guess I'll just have to grab you in my arms and kiss you.
If I kissed you
Would you lose track of time
Would you feel a surge of happiness
Running up your spine
Would you run naked in the street
with a tattoo of my name on your behind
If I kissed you
--Corrinne May
Merri and I and the MUMS.
Yup Merri and I invaded the woman to woman time our mums were supposed to have haha! after a long search for the car keys my mum realized that is was in my dad's pocket which was in the pants he wore to work.. so duh right.. in the end she had to change the battery of the car key that was at home. when she came back off we went to pick Merri and her mummy. [[sorry Merri for the black-face i had plastered on.. butbut i did make it up right cause i was HIGH the rest of the time Xp]] we lunched at FOOD REPUBLIC at Suntec. and i thank the Lord for Korean people who came up with such ingenious ways to make food yummalicious! Whoots for Koreans.. *YAY* [PUNCHES MY FISTS IN THE AIR] hahaha so sorry.. i'm sorta zi-highed! yah after lunch we walked around suntec awhile then walked to CityLink Mall then to Raffles City where i got a superly duperly purdy PINK BUTTERFLY hairband. wanted to get this butterfly elastic-ish belt but mummy said the two-lettered vulgar word i detest. -->NO. Sheesh! spoiler haha.. anyways after that we went back to CityLink Mall then i got clips that Merri and i got half of and merri got toe rings.. chic.. yup after that we went to meet out mums at the doughnut factory. seriously it amazes me how a craze dies of so fast and so drastically. there was not queue and like only two tables were taken up. the donut craze is OVER! So yup with no queue i happily got my CINNAMONCHOCOLATE DOUGHNUT =p yays!! haha after that we walkedwalked then went home.. haha wha sean is like one mini Uncle Martin ah seriously.haha *theRETARTEDthingsRETARDEDbestfriendsdotogether.
-we said hi to our reflections
-we communicated with my yellow retareded faced stress ball named Barbapapa
-we laugh super loud till people turn and stare
-we TRY to walk like our mums
-we try to hook merri up with old hot men
-we get caught for trying to take pictures with exuberantly priced hairbands
-we stare at each other on separate escalators like we're madly in love haha
-we nearly wanted to ask the autograph of an ang moh guy who was twice merri's height