enough of the shenanigans!
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scream out loud
let's trace back my steps
gone with the wind May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 |
bloghoppin' |
Carrer Fair at Suntec
29 February 2008
'rain and thunder' 'from the first day i met you i noticed..' Let it rain, the song i set as my alarm ring tone woke me up, snoozed..only about 5 times oops! ha ha anyway, today was Canossian Saints Day but they changed it to St.Magdalene's Day 'cause it's our 200th anniversary i think.
School Hall. See the big white ballons..they were MASSIVE! I bet they could'nt fit my main door haha.oh and the cross made of balloons on stage, neat right!
This was the best mass ever 'cause as Sec 5s we got to sit at the top of the hall, the ledge? don't really know what it's called haha. After mass we were briefed for our Mother Tongue mid-year then we were dismissed to have a one hour lunch before we assembled to go for the career fair thingy at Suntec. It was kinda interesting, never knew so many Universities actually existed. Something interesting happened but you'll know if I told you so all of you people going ''huh?''then too bad haha. After that me and some of my friends went to have lunch.Guess that's all. oh and I went to pick my dad up from the airport.yay finally went to T3 haha.
The whole time I was like remember to take a picture! remember to take a picture! but i forgot so yah this was the only picture i took.lame i know but it does prove i was there hahaha..sorry
boo hoo
27 February 2008
My father promised to bring me to Vietnam with him, instead he went without me knowing. donuts! I wanna go to Vietnam!! he keeps telling me how nice it is there EVERYTIME he comes back, get's me jealous but doesn't bring me there..how nice.
Money Camp [camp corri 2008]
23 February 2008
Although.. I guess i did learn essential money managing skills. But honestly? It was NOT worth the $90 my dad had to pay, pity him! ahaha Anyway, at least I learnt something..right?
22 February 2008

18 February 2008
Today was a happy day, with a happy moment which made it FANTASTIC.
Happy Valentine's Day!
15 February 2008
First of all I would like to say.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUYI!Anyways, slept at like 1:15am making VDay stuff, man and if I didn't even get that little help from my mum I would have finished much later.so THANKYOU mummy.
Yay, my classmates liked it. I got stuff from 7 or 8 people. Nice=] After school we were supposed to have 'singles outing' sounds so sad right haha but then like during P.E my friends told me they didn't want to go anymore, I was sad. But then just before the last bell rang my friend said she was gonna meet her other friend to watch a movie. We were supposed to watch P.S I Love You but they didn't want to so i suggested the most appropriate love movie.. AHLONG PTE LTD!!! hahahaha! So yea we went to CS after school, Priya, Sarafina, Soffya and I, Mutiara came later. We met Priya's friend thus I made a new friend today haha. Anyhow, the move was only going to start at 4:15 so we went to eat first. Yes Naru, I was the slowest..AGAIN! Argh I can't help if i get indigestion right.heh.
Ah Long Pte Ltd is the most hilarious local production and a must watch!

"Ah Long Pte Ltd" is a light-hearted black comedy about the triad world and the money-lending business. Following the retirement of her triad leader (Richard Low), a young lady, Li Hua (Fann Wong), tries to restructure her money-lending triad into a professional and 'loving' triad that stands against the use of violence. She also suffers a nagging mother and gets involved in a romance with Mr Fang (Mark Lee), an effeminate dance instructor cum image stylist.