enough of the shenanigans!
the girl next door |
scream out loud
let's trace back my steps
gone with the wind May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 |
bloghoppin' |
26 December 2007
Yesterday i left during third service after Pastor Daniel prayed for some Indonesian guy 'cause i had to leave for Malaysia. And even though we left early, we arrived at like around 11pm and when we arrived we had to clean the house till like 1 plus 2 in the morning but then i couldn't take it so i bathed and slept but my parents continued till 3 plus.
The next day we went to settle important stuff then we had lunch then we went back home packed and left for my paternal grandma's house. We arrived at 9pm!! They moved so far away my goodness, it felt like we were going to Malacca or something. Then we ate and talked with all my uncles and aunties and cousins. Then my oldest uncle and his family went home so there was my family and my youngest uncle's family we talked till like midnight i think then we like said our merry Christmas's' so lame right. Anyway we were so beat so we went to sleep and like i was the last to wake up haha. We prayed had breakfast then we were off to my great-grandma's house who actually lives in my grandma's brother's house but never mind. Then we went to my grand-auntie's house and after that we went back to my grandma's house to get stuff and then we
went back home.
The next day we went to settle important stuff then we had lunch then we went back home packed and left for my paternal grandma's house. We arrived at 9pm!! They moved so far away my goodness, it felt like we were going to Malacca or something. Then we ate and talked with all my uncles and aunties and cousins. Then my oldest uncle and his family went home so there was my family and my youngest uncle's family we talked till like midnight i think then we like said our merry Christmas's' so lame right. Anyway we were so beat so we went to sleep and like i was the last to wake up haha. We prayed had breakfast then we were off to my great-grandma's house who actually lives in my grandma's brother's house but never mind. Then we went to my grand-auntie's house and after that we went back to my grandma's house to get stuff and then we
The next day my parents went to make my grandma's passport and i was at home SLEEPING!!! It's not called pig! It's called paying off sleep debt ok! haha anyways i had to entertain myself practically the whole day. Then at night my grand-uncle came to visit. Then we went for dinner. The next day we went to visit my back door neighbour. Went for breakfast then packed and my parents went to dunno do what. So yes i had to entertain myself again. But no fear MacBook was there haha, saviour of my boredom! Then we had dinner then off we were back to the tiny red dot named Singapore.
So i practically had Indian food and desserts for Christmas it was funnyly weird yet interesting haha. So yup..that was my Christmas 2007. Can't wait for next year's=]
Blessed Christmas Everyone!
`love mandy.
So i practically had Indian food and desserts for Christmas it was funnyly weird yet interesting haha. So yup..that was my Christmas 2007. Can't wait for next year's=]
Blessed Christmas Everyone!
`love mandy.
Audacious Youth Camp
23 December 2007
Since pictures tell a thousand words i shall post pictures instead of posts...
Thiam You's fascination with Wee Kiat's leg mao mao.

Rachel and Jasmine

Daniel, ThiamHeng and Shawn[checkout his nails!]
We will we will stalk you! hurgh! stalk you! hurgh!
Mornings Blues

WeeKiat and RachelYang 'wedded'
Stalker's groupleader

Awww.. He took our puishment on himself.
Audacious Youth Camp 2007

14 December 2007
1 more day to AUDACIOUS youth camp 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yay yay yay!!!!!!
i love my group!
woo hoo
excited like anythinG!!
SEE YA. =]
Name 20 people on your mind right now.
1. Sherni.
2. Thiam Heng.
3. Merri.
4. Wee Kiat.
5. Agus Soelaiman.
6. Jason Lee.
7. Daniel Chia.
8. Rachel Ko.
9. Aaron Boo.
10. Vivien Lim.
11. Candy Tay.
12. Shaelynna.
13. Ian.
14. Eunice Lai.
15. Yeow Sheng.
16. Aaron Lee.
17. Marcus Lai.
18. Viavian Toh.
19. Daphne Tan.
20. Shema.
- How did you meet 14?
I met her at a family camp 'Breaking Of Day' 5 or 6 yrs ago
- What would you do if you never meet 1?
i knew her because our parents were in the same cell and we ended up in the same cell too. so we been irritants to each other these past 6 years. without her would like be porridge without any liao[ingredients]..
- What would be your reaction if 20 and 9 dated?
haha that would be totally impossible even if they were in love..you see, shema's my PET DOG!!!
- Did you or will you ever like 19?
- Would 18 and 17 make a good couple?
What a i say what a WACK COUPLE they'd be.
- Describe 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18,.
3. HAHA.
6. good looking GINGEY-maniac.
9. dummy-lyFAITHFULfriend.
12. guai daughter.
15. he's so cute! haha [both pinch-able & guy-cute luh huh]
18. my best suaning friend!!.when we combine forces u better RUN!
- Do you think 8 is attractive?
not bad ah i guess..
- What would you do if 11 confesses that he/she likes you?
but i am a girl and she's not crooked!!!!!
- What language(s) does 5 speak?
Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Engrish, Bahasa Cheena.. i think that's all?
- How old is 16 this year?
- When was the last time you talked to 13?
in the midst of talking actually.
- Who's 2 favourite band/singer/musician.
dunno haha the only song i've heard him sing was beautiful girls.
- Would you ever date 4?
haha nah..
- And how about 6?
haha maybe..
- Is 15 single/taken?
he better be single haha.. if not li juan will hantam him.. poor thing
- What is 1's full name?
Debra Sherni Siva.
- Would you ever be in a serious relationship with 12?
- What school is 3 in?
Home Schooling.
- What if 7 dies?
The world will lack laughter :)
Tag 10 people to do this survey. (Be practical!)
1. SuffIan.
2. VIvian TOh.
3. PAuline.
4. SHerni.
5. CAndy TAy.
6. Thiam Heng.
7. Aaron Lee.
8. MArcus LAi.
9. JAsmine.
10. Everyone else!!!!.
12 December 2007
Today, I was woken up be the vibration which vibrated my whole bed. My tuition teacher was at the door and i hadn't woken up. So yah sleepy me had to sit through a an hour of tuition. After that i used the com makan then use come again then went for electric gig class. After that i went to meet my papa at his office, then we met my mum at Siglap's Xiang Gang Cafe thing forgot the name. THen went home. And use com haha. Yup that's what i did today.
Enchanted dAy OUT
07 December 2007
I Set the alarm for 7.50am but I woke up at 7.32am so cool! haha First time waking up earlier than my mum in a long time. Anyway I went and did the usual morning routine then changed my pooch's poop. And my mum was shocked when i went in her room haha.Had devotion. Then we ate breaky and then had devotion with mum and granny-poo. Went to my room to practice violin after practicing for about 15 mins Shema started barking, it was Merri at the door haha..I Practiced for awhile more then and showed her what i learnt at Electric gig class.Called Boon Kiat to like plan where we were gonna go and all. After that we watched a little bit of Secret. Listened to some songs and stuff then i got ready to go out. Took bus to church then from church we bused to Suntec. Met Boon Kiat at Marina Square. Went to book the tickets to watch ENCHANTED! yay finally. it was still rather early so we went over to Suntec 'cause BK wanted to see the Adidas Jacket. And Yeow Sheng was already there 'cause we forgot to tell him we were going to the GV at Marina Square instead of Suntec. So we went to Adidas, looked and looked and looked but BK just couldn't find the PERFECT ONE. Oh and Yeow Sheng was so funny he held up a hot pink bikini and told BK ht should get it, and i was like yup Boon Kiat that one sure keep you super warm.haha So we rushed back, thank God for advertisements before movies haha. SO we were on time actually. A misfortune happened but never mind. I shall just try and forget about it. So yah the movie was great!! You guys should really go watch. oh oh oh the people in the cinema was the best cinema crowd I've ever sat with!!! The children's reactions were superly funny especially at the kissing scenes and then at the end of the show right almost everyone clapped. I clapped too, then I got this 'have you lost it!' look from Merri. haha Then BK told Yeow Sheng, "why the dragon got wings but when it was falling off the building it never fly one? So stupid!" oh and when we were walking to the loo he said, " the black guy and the women sing together den when they never get married? I thought Just now they say they sing song then get married one." hahaha Ah BOON BOON ah..its a movie!!! I told him to go make his own movie and put that inside. After that we walked to CityLink Mall and we went into the Adidas shop 'cause BK wanted to go see whether they had any nice jackets. So after dunno how long he finally got down to deciding between two jackets. One was black with orage stripes the other was black with a tinge of yellow near the armpits. Finally he decided on the black one with bits of yellow but it was L and he wanted M but guess what..they were out of stock! And when we asked them to phone up other outlets, guess where was the only place which had it. . . BK's hometown CHINATOWN! haha So yup, Yeow Sheng went home then BK was still deciding whether to go, after about 7seconds he decided to go then Merri and i headed the other way. Then 'cause the escalators at City Hall cross right. Merri and I said like super loudly, "bye! boon kiat!" I bet he was embarrassed haha. Then we went home. The MRT was like packed ok, and there was this Indian man, i have no idea what language he was speaking but it was damn hilarious okay. Merri and I couldn't stop laughing and there was this lady next to us and I thought she might scold us for being rude but she was laughing along with us. HA! oh and before we boarded the MRT i saw this two guys and i think they were gay, the guy was like using his thumb and middle finger to squish the other guy's face [like how you would to a child who put a coin in their mouth and you wanted them to spit it out.] Then they were like blowing up their face and making funny faces in their reflection on the MRT door. Spfreaky haha. Okay so anyway i went home ate a little and then I took out a dress to try on i case it looked better then the black one i just bought. It kinda did.Two days to Wen Li's wedding and i still don't know what to wear, dear dear me.
Adios people i shall go sleep now.