enough of the shenanigans!
the girl next door |
scream out loud
let's trace back my steps
gone with the wind May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 |
bloghoppin' |
23 November 2007
DAPHNE..You made me super happy today! Thanks so so much. You have no idea how grateful and elated I am!!!
moodless blogging
Man since last Thursday I've had no mood whatsoever to blog ok. I don't even know what made me open this new post. Life's been a major wreck. The only up so far was the Japan trip and my hair. Eeyer, even as I'm typing I wish I'm not, but now I can't stop. I've been just wandering these days, why has everything around me become so blurred up. Nothing is really going well. Is it because of me or what's around me? Questions, questions like, why this? why that?, how come?, is that really?, is it really meant to be?, am I supposed to be going this way? or that?, fill my already clogged up head. So many things to do and not to do and so very little time. So many situations, so many hurts, not much support. Heh sometimes I wake up in the morning shocked that I'm actually still alive. How can this life be survivable, I mean is it actually humanly possible? It's like every thing's going wrong. By the way I'm not being emo. I DO NOT LIKE emoness ok. It should be banned from the face of the earth.Emo = Self-pity and that stinks. No one should cir cum to it, or be ok about it. There is a fine like between being emo and thrashing your thoughts. Anyway. Man I think I shan't continue. Maybe I might, some other day. I've lost the drive. Someone HELP!
-How long can I sustain this life I'm living?
Hey everyone!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY..-Go say your thank yous
-EAT TURKEY with jam and mash potatoes
-Stuff yourselves
-HAPPY holiday!
Second day of Japan trip..
13 November 2007
NI !NO MUMMY! So I got to sleep till noon=] WooHoo. The little pleasures in life. 'Why?', you may ask, because back home where my mummy exists i have to wake up everyday at like 7:30am and if she's kind enough, around 8:15am if I get really lucky around 930am. Ok anyway, I woke up to the sound of room bells and I was wondering why my father wasn't getting the door, then I realised it was him at the door! haha=] Then i got ready and we went to the udon place again. yay. After that we came back to the hotel and my father left for another meeting. I got the whole room to myself! I went online but there was hardly anybody. I got bored so I watched, '公主小妹', I snuck it along haha. There's a very good reason why DVD's are COMPACT discs=] Then my MSN hanged, that's why Sherni couldn't talk to me, so sad. Anyway, my father came back at 6pm. Then we went downstairs, this time we walked the other side. So many places to makan, it's like Singapore haha. Then i saw this really cute shop, like jap mamak shop, we went inside and I saw cute sweets and so i got 'em for souvenirs for some people. Then we ate at this curry shop where the chef was Indian and could speak fluent Jap only! Coolness. But was bad at English.
The shop.
After that my father had to do a big no.2! So we had to get back to the hotel. But before that I saw stuff i just had to get. Look! Orange eye glitter and pink lip gloss :P
After that we rushed back. Major poo-poo emergency. haha. So while waiting I went online. And chatted. When he was done polluting the toilet bowl we watched Madagascar, hmmmm let's see, for the MILLIONTH time since we got the vcd ok. It's the only cartoon where I can quote every line! Anyway half-way through it we went down again. We went to the udon place again=] I think they know us now haha.
The name of the udon shop.
After that we walk down further and I insisted on checking out the 7-eleven. Whao it's super different. Wish i could bring it back. So MANY MANY things!
Jap food in 7-eleven...
I got my ice-cream. I think we're gonna get different one's everyday till we try all of 'em!
After that we walk the other way all the way to this shop called 'am pm'. I think it's pretty safe to assume that it's open 24/7 right. We went back to the hotel and continued watching Madagascar while eating our ice-creams. And after that we went to sleep. I woke up at like 1am S'pore time, and i just couldn't sleep so I tossed and turned. Then at 230am, I decided to listen to music to help me sleep. At 4am I still was wide awake, and since my phone batt was dying i decided to blog. So there you have it. Second day=]
Ahahaha.. Yesterday i forgot to take a picture of the darling. But nevermind this toilet bowl's got more buttons! So fun.. My father and I wanna bring it home!!!! The spray thing to wash your butt is super shiok ok! And some more 'cause your butt is cold and the toilet seat is super warm.SHIOK! haha.. Oh and after I took this pic, I just had to find out how it worked to I pressed the button. And realised it only works if your butt is sensed. So clever me put my finger at the sensor. Guess what the water squirted all over my sleeve and onto the toilet door and floor ahaa.. Naughty, Itchy fingered me!
First day of Japan trip..
ICHI !You'd think I'd become a Popsicle stick. But NO NO! I was designed for winter! haha. My papa was like, ''don't be hero ah." I wasn't even cold ah.. Well ok maybe a little and when the wind blowed A LOT but other then that, Cornerstone trained me well! The air-con in church can be really cold! Right CornerSTONEians? =] Anyways, it was a 5 hour dunno how many minute flight. There were so many nice movies, and i watched only a third of one movie. I was super tired and i have no idea why. So i thought never mind I'll just take a nap then wake up to watch but then right i actually slept the whole way till like maybe 45 mins before landing. haha I took a pics on on the flight but i know i looked a little cheesy! So i ain't gonna put'em up. What do u expect at 1 in the morning..little miss sunshine? puh-lease..
WHA, Japan right, from the sky is filled with mountains. We landed at Kansai airport at. 8:30am Singapore time. And guess what Japan time is only one hour ahead! And here i was thinking it was like hours apart. Ok back to my arrival, man the airport is like a maze!
We took the train from he airport to Osaka. There's Universal Studios in Osaka! I didn't know haha.sua-ku. Man i don't know why i was so sleepy, my eyes couldn't even open! So yah, slept all the way. When we reached, we went to get a cab, and as we were nearing the cab, the door swung open! I was shocked haha, then my father said all the cabs here are like that. Sweet! Anyways, my father had a meeting so I had to follow. It was an interesting time, the people looked at me as though I was some rare species or something. Wha the food they ate looked yummy and the way they ate together was so cute, especially the men, old men. They gave me Japanese tea.. ooouuuu i love Japanese tea=]
Then it was my turn to have lunch. yay haha. I ate in a real Jap restaurant! So fun!
I really wanted to take pictures of the food but I didn't know whether it was rude if I did. So i played safe and didn't. But my detailed explanation may help you picture it. I shall tell you about one thing, 'cause you can't get this in Singapore. Ok I got my Miso soup and I was happy 'cause I thought, 'good another edible dish!' But I guess i spoke all too soon=[ The seaweed which was in it looked like mutated alien babies ok! Like oh my gosh! And I was just placing it on my plate for further inspection on what exactly it was, my father's business friend looked at what i was doing and and started telling me about it, and i was like, 'shoot! he's looking at me, darn it, now I've got to eat it.' I braced myself and put it into my mouth just as he was telling me it was a kind of seaweed. Then i was like phewf! It's just seaweed. But oh no! It certainly did NOT taste like seaweed! EEEWWWW yikes! I cannot describe the taste. And that wasn't just it, there was this jelly like slimy substance surrounding it ok. Bleehhh.. Just thinking of it makes me wanna puke. After i swallowed it, which was actually 2 seconds after i bit it. I used my chopsticks to examine the seaweed, this time in the soup. I was like, ''Man! what in the world did i just let down my throat!''
Anyways after lunch we cabbed back to the JR [Jap MRT] And off we were to Tokyo! WEEE=] And did you know they practically clean the train whenever it arrives at the Kansai JR.
Japenese country houses, so nice!
When we boarded the train bound to Tokyo, I bluetoothed all the pics I had taken in case there was no more space and sent songs to my phone. Yup then ooh no, sleepy again. By George! I slept all the way to Tokyo! 2hours. When we reached there it was so dark I got a shock, then my father told me it was only 5 30pm and I was like, 'what!' It looked more like 7 30 to me.
So this is how Tokyo looked at 6pm.
After we checked in we took a cab to some shopping centre. Man it was fantabulous! Oh and the prices where excruciating! I wanted to get this really neat pair of sunglasses and they costed a whopping ~S$400! And the greyish skinnies i wanted costed ~$300.
New YorkRunway.
Mamamia! High-end shopping centre. Turned out to be a no no. The stuff there was amazing though. Look at these hats for instance.
This was my personal fav.
Well so since we couldn't find anything, we decided to go eat. And i begged to go eat at those cheap diners 'cause I think expensive doesn't always mean yum. Right Agus? haha. His sentiments exactly. Anyways, look Spa Boy [Jonathan Leow] has a food chain in Japan!
And he didn't even tell us. Tsk Tsk. But i didn't eat there.
I ate at a nicer place! But i have no idea what's the name. Look at the food. SO YUMMALICIOUS!
Oh and you better believe it tastes better than it looks! Cheap and GOOD! It's a bowl of udon in Jap curry. By the way they pronounce it as ' curray ' so cute haah. Oh and in the plate there's the Karoke, fried potato strips with onions and prawns, triangle sushi and sweet bean curd. And yay to the free flow of Japanese tea=] It's so cool ok, you walk up to the counter, get your tray, tell them what size bowl you want and have either curry or soup, get a plate, choose your side dishes, pay up, go to a counter parallel to the one before, put as much spring onions as you want, mayo, garlic and pepper. Then sit down and ENJOY!
After that we walked back to the hotel and I sat down to use the FREE Internet. Smart me brought my MAC along. Oh and the tv is superly cool it's like a tv and com 2-in-1!
Oh and look at the ice-cream! so cute right=]
Yup so I guess that's all for today=]
-Whao the people here are super friendly, polite and patient! BeaUtiful and clean country and oh by the way.. Eunice! yes! Japanese men are hot! Even the old one's haha Xp [i think when Merri reads this she'll be like, ''there she goes again with the old hot men.'' oh well..and i dunno if i'm homesick or what, 'cause i dreamt of Ah Lee's mother. Boy, I must be really homesick.. But i don't think it'll last, it's too fun here=]
Cell at Goodman Park
10 November 2007
Wah Seh today right i snoozed till 8:27am!!! Normally i snooze till like 8:18am..Anyway..I woke Merri up as soon as i got up 'cause I knew if I had actually really woken up and washed my face and all she would have been like LATE! So yup, and even though i woke her up early she still was late haha..SEE this goes to show you should live near BEDOK!..HAHA..Well any who. We had a rather interesting ride there, at one station this Indian family boarded the MRT while one of them was videoing their entrance. HYSTERICAL. When we reached there Merri was parched so we went to get a drink... Then we walked to our singing course..oh oh now i finally know the name of the place, Research Centre on Leadership. Today's lesson was by far the most interesting! Guess who came to speak to us? ACID!!! JJ Lin's producer. I tell you, it was awesome. I never knew just for the production of one song, there was so many people involved! I can't even remember like half. There's the producer, assistant producer, mixing engineer, backup vocalists, lyricists, writer/composer, well of course the singer, musicians, mastering mixer, the Artistes&Repertoires, and the list goes on. And guess what i found out that the cost of producing one song, just one song! costs around S$10k to S$15k!!!! Oh my can you imagine!! Haha just now so funny, Gerald a guy from the singing class guessed 15k but he didn't specify which currency so when Acid asked in what currency the guy next to him said rupiah..haha the whole class burst out laughing! Then i said no luh peso, then Gerald was like what the..Funny ah? haha.. I'm gonna miss all of them!!! So saddening today was the last day.. Eeyer. Anyway the class ended at like 12:35pm, Merri and I were like panicking 'cause we were gonna be late for cell. So we like rushed out even though the class was about to have a singing competition between the two sides of the room. So lame! hah. Then we took the MRT and I stopped at Kembangan and i cabbed all the way to Goodman Road. Wha when I entered the taxi, fu yo! the smell of the cabby's after-shave made be blur for a moment. I'm like, his after-shave smells exactly like my papa's one, the one i'm ALLERGIC to! OH boy. . . Anyway when i reached, the cell was playing the gross food game [the one where someone says something and before you say your own you gotta say what the people said before you first] and pigging out on ER LOU'S yummy friend chicken haha.. Wha damn gross ok the game.. I didn't know what they said before i came but i shall say what the said when they restarted the game..for my sake of course =]anyway here's the stuff we came up with..prepare your barf bags people! GROSSESOLOGY awaits you.me- steamed maggots topped with cockroach feelers
constance- steamed chicken with toe jam and armpit perspiration
timothy- blended earthworms and carrots ice
adora- cheese with decaying tomato sauce on pizza
wen yuan- hair with fried chicken wings in the toilet bowl
ann- hair with fried chicken backside on the toilet bowl
geraldine- tree bark with dog's eyes
li juan- bloody potato chips
Haha and before they decided to stop the game, I happily continued it and when the time came for me to say lijuan's dish I couldn't remember it, so i kept saying bloody? bloody? bloody?..then Ann said wha, you sound like you're swearing eh! haha Anyway after that we played the game i sort of came up with, it's called 'WACKO A-PEEL' get it? it's go to do with bananas.. But Geraldine and I modified it. I'll show you the order..
1` Peel Banana Peel Peel Banana!
--Peel bananas as fast as you can with your hands tied behind your back!
2`Ar Swhoo!
--Get as many sweets as you can out of pile of flour.
3`Bubbly Madness!
--Get Eno poured into your mouth followed by water then do five jumping jacks and then spit it into a cup and see which group can collect the most spit!
The first game, oh my everyone looked like mad monkeys! And this doggie came from no where and i was like come here doggie doggie help us eat the bananas on the floor, it came over! But it left after sniffing the bananas haha! Second game they started to look as thought they were aging! and WARNING! don't, i repeat don't! under any circumstance stand near Geraldine while playing this game. The spotless me got flour all over my shirt! And if that wasn't enough, she threw it up my nose and into my eyes! So painful and suffocating man. . . And lastly for the third game, we had construction workers stare and laugh at us. Well can't blame them we looked so ridiculous. Especially when Constance went for the first round, we had no idea what version of jumping jacks she was doing. It looked hilarious though. Oh and the game reminded me of AH LEE! 'Cause we played this at Enlisted camp, oh my that's like eons ago. Anyway, he was my group leader and you know like at the end of the game the spit has to be collected, we were kind enough to not add in the last part of the game.. the DRINKING of the saliva! And AH LEE actually drank the saliva OK at camp! While I was at the verge of puking! Well anyway, after that we went to Constance house for cell, two junctions away. We ate bread like plain bread. Wen Yuan was like how can you'll eat plain bread?!?! Then Geraldine Adora and I suddenly had telepathy and we showed her the front of the Gardenia bread. Come on you'll should know what it says.. ' so good you can even EAT IT ON IT'S OWN ' ahhh=] oh oh and I put twisties in my bread and made 'twisties sand which' don't you look at me all weird and all..Wen Yuan said it was nice!! yay me!
Today's cell was awesome, God's presence was really there like whao!
After cell, Ann, Timothy, Wen Yuan and I went home together. The walk out was major wack OK. I shall spare you all but one happening. We saw this cute dog. And we were like, SO CUTE! Then Timothy said, 'yah but loose me abit'. I tell you i had to make him repeat it to me like 3 times 'cause i really couldn't get it, and once i did, i had to explain it to Ann.. Oh my, the two things wrong about the statement he made..
*1 His ENGRISH is all wrong!
*2 He must have been super thick skinned to have said that.
If you'll still don't get what he said i really don't blame you. I shall explain..
He meant..yes, the dog is cute, but compared to me, it's not so cute. Do you get it now? haha
Anyway, when i reached home i had to pack. I check-in tomorrow, my flight's at 1am. I'll be in Japan the whole week, be back in this red dot at 5pm on Saturday.
Don't worry when i come back i'm sure to blog about my stay! And I shall try to get Timothy's miso soup sachets..My goodness he's a wumbo! Oh and the most important thing.. AARON BOO'S PINK KIMONO! ! !
Whoever I can see tomorrow at Church I shall see..the rest I shall see when I come back..
Sayonara everyone. Oyasuminasai
Anatao Aishiteimas!!!!!!
07 November 2007

06 November 2007
"I'm a skilled professional actor. Whether or not I've any talent is beside the point."-Michael Caine
05 November 2007
Merri pronounces Lakshami as LAKSA MEE!!!Poor Sherni, she got your MAIDen name all wrong..
04 November 2007
trust me I dont like the situation we are in.. i hope someday it'll be ok. if you don't want to i can't force you.
[[[dddddddrrrrruuuuuummmmm rrrrrrrrrooooooollllllllllssssssssssss]]]
her name is LAKSHAMI!!!!!!
a.k.a SHERNI
FATIMAH![[MERRI]] you must overjoyed, now you have help and company.
I woke up thinking oh no i forgot to set the alarm! Shoot! What time is it?!?! Guess what time it was 7:58am...and i did set the alarm, i set it for 8:00am. I was like, duh. . . I snoozed like two times.Whatever haha. My fringe was a little on the oily side so I washed it. Then my father saw it and asked me why my hair was like that and I told him only my fringe was oily so I washes it luh. Then he said, "what kind of new fashion is that?" HA HA HA! Anyway, as I was walking out of the house my father offered to send me. On the way to the MRT he managed to convince me to follow my parents to a wedding at church and not go for the singing course 'cause Merri also couldn't make it and my father didn't want me to go alone. So i obliged. So 'guai' right. hee. Anyways.. OH OH when my father and I picked my mum from the salon..she looked like a VISION!!! So beautiful i tell you. The wedding was the funniest I've attended and i teared so many times haha. After that i went to meet Sherni at Bedok inter. We got McD. I paid 'cause Sherni's dead broke. She OWES ME MANY $$$$$$!!!!! 'OWE MONEY PAY MONEY' haha No luh. I'm not bad am I. We took 196 there, and smart Sherni got us down 2 bustops after where we were supposed to stop. Not to mention the scorching sun!! I seriously wanted to 'pulasan' her head i tell you, but I'm nice remember so i just ferociously bit into my burger. Then we called Constance, like FINALLY! We found her house after walking around the whole estate for like half an hour!
P.S Constance's house is superly duperly fantabulously nice!
haha ok. When we reached i made a bee line to the toilet 'cause I was practically holding my pee for an hour or so. Man did I feel relieved. So anyway we were super late. Today at cell we played two games..
-never have i ever
love TABOO=]
After that we had p&w followed by the shortest 'sermon' ever, by Timothy. Then we went around sharing..as usual. Had offering message, gave offering..then guess what!!!!!...we shared again..DUH. We were supposed to share on three things
1` Changes we've seen in the cell.
2`Unhappiness in the cell.
3`What would we like to see improved.
For no. three i forgot the question so when Constance repeated she said, " what would you like to see in the future?" I said ROBOTS! So me right. hehheh But in the end I did answer all three seriously. Then my parents called half-way, mood spoiler. . . Demanded i go home straight away, how was i supposed to know cell ended so late. eeyer.. Anyways i stayed till everyone spoke. Thought Sherni was gonna go home with me but she choose Ann over me 'cause she had a car. SAD. haha she was just trying to save EzLink money. So I went with Geraldine. Then when we walked out to the gate we remembered we had no idea how to walk out. So i called my Papa, he said, "call if you need me to fetch." So i did haha, and he had no idea where we were so he told us to walk to out to some main road. So we walked straight out, thank God Gerry knew that we just had to walk straight all the way. We walked all the way to the overhead bridge and crossed over to Katong Hostel where my father told us to wait. We talked for abit and i sent her a song. Oh and we created this wacko shoe story, but I cant blog it, it's a secret=] So yah Papa fetched her home then we went home. Thank God i reached home on time before my mum could make one of the most hideous fashion mistake. Me to the rescue again=] Then they went off to the wedding dinner at the Carlton. I stayed at home blogged chatted and watched Singapore Hit Awards 2007 haha.
la dee dum..and i bid goodbye again
night everybody
last day of sec 4=[
WAILS!!! Wah..last day of school. Sian..Gonna miss everybody, the crappy times and everything. Today was a sad sad day. After the end-of-year thanksgiving mass we had recess. After that our lovely and kind Mrs.Boo went to book an air-con computer room for us to just chill. We watched 'Freedom Writters'. Super nice! We ate some stuff then, when Mrs.Boo went out for a moment we quickly got ready our present to her and we projected our class blog. So when she came back we presented the Bear from Built-a-bear. And while we were presenting it to her, our class blog played the graduation song haha. It was a real emo moment. So many people were in tears. After that there was photo taking sessions. Then the whole class went home except fpr Hui Shuang, Joycelyn and I. We wanted to finish watching the movie. Then I went home, had tuition..boring.. Then parents had cell dinner at some Indonesian restaurant at Clark Quay. They took my granma along, so yay peace and quite 'cause there was no one at home! Well except that ding-dong mutt of mine.
GANITE everybody=]
03 November 2007
Hey people, this is a wacky story Sherni and I created, Enjoy!There was a box. Inside was something gooey. It had a weird smell. Funky. It started to ooze out of the box. I bet it could reach all the way to the great wall of China. The lid burst open. And we all jumped in panic. Ohh the frenzy! The goo started to crawl out of the box. It’s claws were shimmering in the sunlight. It caught on to someone’s foot.oh no! Poor friend. It began to dissolve the shoe. Oh no! not the shoe! It was a NIKE! It slowly disintegrated the foot. Eew u could see the tick sliding down the throat into the pit of the goo’s stomach. Eventually the whole fellow was swallowed. Goodbye my lover, goodbye my friend… then there were four. Eh why the number so suay ah? The goo eyed all of us. We eyed him back. The staring game continued. Ni kan wo, wo kan ni. Hao sian oh! The four of them circled it (cowboy music playing in the background). They stood around him with their legs wide open and their hands in the pockets as though they were reaching for guns. They rolled up their sleeves. KUNGFU FIGHTING! (music plays) they made their first step forward. And then they stepped back again. And then tarzan came and swept the goo off it’s feet bringing it to eternal damnation. Jane came on an elephant and rescued them all. And then they lived happily ever after!
-Lime Green= Mine