enough of the shenanigans!
the girl next door |
scream out loud
let's trace back my steps
gone with the wind May 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 March 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 July 2011 August 2011 December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 |
bloghoppin' |
La dee da dum. . .
23 September 2007
Music is like the best thing in the worlda mode of escape
a way to my heart
a beautiful language
unspoken. . . yet heard
da da da
21 September 2007
We're living in a narcissitic culture..
scares that just take so darn long to heal
cause?->my wardrobe
cause?->a chair in my tuition teacher's house
These scares are now exactly 21 days old..wanna know how I got'em go read the entry on the 31st of August.

[ When i reached home today, i saw this at the carpark and it looked so neat i just had to take a picture! Common it's pink! ]
I MADE IT! It's wednesday.
19 September 2007
Okay! like you know i woke up this morning, like any other ordinary person.I went to school.. Something drove me to go to school.
What? you may ask. Well, careless me left my wallet in school!
Once i reached school, I went quickly to my classroom praying like crazy (as from the night before) my heart was anxious.
'Would it be there?' ' Could it have been stolen?' "Oh my, Lord please let it be there!''
All these questions which filled my head made me panick even more!
At last i reached my classroom, and to my utter most gratefulness to the Lord, there on my desk was the silver heartbeat stopper. It was there, untouched..[well except for the fact that Joycelynn took it from Siti's table and put it on mine..] You could'nt believe how relieved i was! Inside there was no money..BUT there was my IC and EZlink card, if it were to be missing i'd have to pay 50 bucks for a new IC and it would be the second time i'd have to make a EZlink card again. Both would blow my parents top. So yah, THANK GOD!!!
So the day went on. It seemed like eternity before break. The most fun part at school today was that Mr. Ngain our English teacher showed us his honeymoon pictures..EEEOOOWWW those pictures where like so surreal, they were practically scintillating. On the list of places to go to before i die is definitely Colorado. Oh and one of the pictures was of the "Seven Falls" and my friend was like "imagine if you fall, what will happen ah?'' then i said " you will fall seven falls to your death!'' do you get it? We laughed and laughed and laughed. Sorry but at that point it was so funny. Then nearing the end of our third period of English which was after recess Mr. Ngian was wondering what were those things my classmates were playing with. Then Sarah brought a container full to him and she said "Mr.Ngain must touch ok, the feeling very nice." The way he looked while holding those water babies was so cute, he looked like a very amused small boy! He's like "what is it? jelly?" then we're like "something like that lah." then he said ever so innocently "so you can eat it?'' and they said "no" then i said " no it's poisonous" then he said confused "so what is it?" we said "jelly lah" then he was like "so can you eat it?" and we said in unison "NO!" "it's for the plants" Then he shook his head and gave that 'Mr. Ngain' smile, "you people play with the weirdest things" then we said, "WE KNOW!"
When we were dissmissed i went to wait for Daphne, HAH! one of those rare occassions. The poor girl always has to wait for me. Her classes seem to end earlier than mine more often than not. So unfair. So yeah i went to her house to borrow the last volume of Hanazakarino Kimetachihe and this vcd which she said, " is very..very nice! " so wth, I thought'd i'd give it a try. Then met another friend at the bottom of her block and we went to the 85 market 'cause i take my bus from there. But i just had to detour to the bubble tea shop=] This is where i found the nicest honey milktea bubble tea i'd ever tasted. A definite must drink. Then i went nome, drank me bubble tea while using the com. Washed rugs then hung them out to dry. Gonna watch the 7pm Chinese drama on chn 8[ i hope i can watch the 9pm one too. That's like THE best tv drama ever produced in Singapore so far. It's so tension-filled that it literally keeps you at the edge of your seat!] ok yeah then i'll study then turn in for then night after that.
Babye now everybody!
[ It's wednesday, middle of the week! And i'm still alive! ]
Boy am i addicted to the HONEY MILKTEA BUBBLE TEA at the bubble tea shop near my school..some 88 bubble tea shack. Anyway it's like, THE BEST, honey milk tea i've ever drunk ok, and im not exaggerating.
water babies!
Hey Hey..i've got my very own water babies! These are round ones, my friend gave 'em to me. They were once dry seed-like things..BUT now they're bubbly bundles of joy! OKAY i'm making them sound so human-baby like. Oh well.. Their sooo cute and nice to touch, 'cause it feels like squishy balls of or sturdy jelly..haha. I think their for plants..i'm not so sure. Oh and i'm so sad 'cause i accidentally killed one=p Well anyway I think that one was dead already anyhow. So yah i'm left with 13 water babies. What a number. I shall go get different types.. And you know what, if you take care of these things with TLC, like change their water everyday, they actually can multiply! Talk about weird. So if you people out there are so 'sua-ku' that you don't have a clue what water babies are i've uploaded pictures of mine. Enjoy!
[btw i'm sorry if you cant see them clearly, they're almost transparent.]
taday. . .
16 September 2007
-today. . . somebody said ' what use do you have?'-i cried
-who cares
-i forgave. . .as usuall
-does that person know?
13 September 2007
☀Saturday Slack☀
08 September 2007
Saturday..woo..finally this girl can slack. Man what a, i say what a tiring week. SLEEPYMANIA in the brain.boy i sure need good rest..How i wish i din't have to study-udy-udy. Well, this is when some people would say 'dream on'. Okay so it's a dream, i shall just build a bridge and get over it.Anyways went to Plaza Sing from like 4 plus till 11 plus. We walked into the builing and High School Musical[HSM] songs hit me right in the face.. HSM mania i tell you! They were having this HSM competition " High School Rocks!" it's this dance competition..kinda cool. SOme professional dancers danced the 'Work This Out' dance from HSM2 supposed to be the first in SEA So yah walked around..mom searched for present. We went to this shop where once the 9'clock chn8 drama filmed and then we went to this shop opposite, it was interesting, and certain things were too interesting for my liking. I was so bored i walked in and out of the shop, and i kept singing along to the HSM songs, My father was like ''eh we should have joined the competition, then i could've shown them my John Travolta moves" i was like right. . . Oh and then his friend came along..i rushed back into the shop. If not i would've had to suffer those "wha grow up already ah..so pretty..what school you going to?..look like daddy ah.." traumas..Yes. I call them traumas, 'cause you have to plaster this smile onto your face and pretend like you're actually enjoying the coversation when your actually thinking "how long is this gonna go on?.. Is that a wart on his face?.. man do i need to pee!.. somebody! anybody! call me away!" don't tell me there's anyone out there who actually likes this kind of conversations? So when he went away i walked back to my father and he said '' you remeber that uncle anot? he said wha she grow up ah, so preety, got boyfriend anot?'' See? it's the epitome of why i din't stay. Anyway my mom finally picked something out, then we headed to the foodcourt. Ate and drank..GLORIOUS GLORIOUS korean food. Man u really gotta give it to the Koreans for such scrumdelishious food=] Then we watched this stranger girl eat her sunny side up..and ooohh did it look good. My mum's mouth and my mouth was watering, and that spoil sport father of mine was like ''noo noo..yuck Sayang!(malay-for dear a.k.a my what my parents call each other) how can you eat that, and we were like that's the best way to eat eggs.
Moving on now.. I was darn bored having to sit there for another two hours or so, so i demanded we walk around. After like 15 minutes my mom finally got up. We went to Spotlight 'cause she said there was some sale, but we din't buy anuthing in the end. Then we went to body shop, oh and by the way a big shout out..'EVERY ONE GO TRY ROUGEBERRY, the new toillete at Body Shop..' the smell is heavenly! After like 15 or 20 minutes we went to OP (ocean pacific) guess what..there was a SALE! ok to cut the story short we got four tees..yippie And oh my gosh i think i loss weight 'cause i now wear two sizes smaller than I used too!-ECSTATIC ME!- OK then bubble burst by father, we had to go to the theater 'cause the movie was starting. We went gonna watch Ratatouile!
"Ratatouille is a must watch..fun for you and the family." -Amanda, Me Entertainment.
`Remy and Linguini will be coming to town on the 30th of August all the way from Paris, France. Since you Singaporeans love food...a lot! Remy thinks you will be pleased when they arrive. They will be whipping up a storm of culinary delights while they are in town to truly appeal to your senses.
You see Remy is no ordinary chef. He's a rat. A rat chef you say? Yes. Remy can cook and he has been cooking in one of the best restaurants in Paris -- Gusteau's.
Make a date with them, let them tell you how they met and you'll get a taste of the extraordinary ingredients that make an unforgettable experience, their new movie, Disney/Pixar's RATATOUILLE.
Till then, bon appétit.
Distributed by Buenavista Internatonal
I'm My Own Person☆
03 September 2007
I've got to move on and be who I amI just don't belong here i hope you understand